Featuring Hannah Schneider, Kristin Morin, and Leah Jensen
Exhibition Dates: December 8th 2022 – January 27th 2023
Location: First Floor of Gaddy Hamrick Art Center
Press Release
Gaddy-Hamrick Art Center is pleased to announce DISRUPT, an exhibition featuring Fall 2022’s Artists in Residence. Exploring themes of sexuality, loss, and deconstruction, DISRUPT showcases work from Hannah Schneider, Kristin Morin, and Leah Jensen.
Through the use of a darkroom and processes which deconstruct photos and negatives, Hannah Schneider’s photography explores her fear of going blind due to her inherited genetic disorder Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. Leah Jensen explores the dichotomy between connection and disruption by purposefully deconstructing weaving processes and patterns. Kristin Morin disrupts heteronormative, neurotypical ideas of self through paintings in conjunction with 3D media by delving into themes of sexuality and mental health.
DISRUPT will be held in the corridors of Gaddy-Hamrick. The DISRUPT exhibition and gallery talk are free and open to the public. For more information, contact the gallery directly via email at gallery@meredith.edu.
For more information about accessibility or to inquire about other accomodations, please contact Todd Jones, tnjones@meredith.edu or 919-760-8414.
*All events are free and open to the public.
Opening Reception: January 19th 5:30 – 7:30 pm